Meet Bethan, our founder who started Mother Root to change how people think about alcohol-free – by making flavour-full and benefit-rich drinks that are actually good for you.
“Mother Root was inspired by my 10+ years of working in the wine business. I loved how a glass of something delicious at the end of the day helped people connect and unwind. When I was pregnant (and thirsty), I wanted to create a vibrant and complex drink that helped bring this feeling to the world of alcohol-free. Our (not-so) secret weapon is organic apple cider vinegar. I call this my “liquid seasoning”. It boosts flavour. It’s bold and refreshing. And, for good measure, will do you some good as well!”
Taking the no
out of not drinking

Because yes, drinking alcohol-free aperitifs can be delicious! Yes, it can be good for you. Yes, the flavours can be complex. And yes, the craft can be as creative and meticulous as your favourite spirit or bottle of wine.

Our aperitifs are activated by apple cider vinegar – our version of liquid seasoning. Thanks to its acidity, our apple cider vinegar magnifies flavour by brightening, balancing and enhancing the ingredients in our aperitifs.
Unlocking the power of apple cider vinegar
Whole & Happy
Not just well and good
We want health to look like more joy in the in-between moments. Diving deeper into life. Looking at the bigger picture. Drinking for yourself (and not for other people). Not taking life too seriously, but taking it curiously instead. We’re here to shift wellbeing into wholebeing – and to deliver a dose of good feelings while we’re doing it.