If you’ve been on a sobriety journey this year, or are aiming for a healthier end to the year, or maybe you’re pregnant, and perhaps feeling a bit anxious about the upcoming festivities, I’m here to show you that you don’t need alcohol to have a great time and celebrate. Taking the alcohol out of the holiday season doesn’t have to mean the fun police are here to stay. Say no to boring AND booze!
In this article, I’ve got some tips to share about how you can enjoy the shenanigans but wake up fresh as a daisy instead of wasting festive feeling somewhat worse for wear. Whether this is your first time celebrating the holidays sober, or your twentieth, there’ll be some ideas in here to help you not just get through, but actually have some fun too!

One of the hardest things about trying to avoid alcohol during these times is that everyone else ups the ante on the booze front. Seems like there’s booze on the menu for every meal of the day sometimes, doesn’t it? However, by putting a few simple steps in place, you’ll find it easier.
Firstly, tell your friends and family that you’re not drinking. It stops them asking you if you want a tipple top-up, and will (hopefully) curb any “banter”, leaving you in control and feeling confident about your choice.
The other thing is planning ahead. Knowing you’ve got a tasty drink option up your sleeve (ahem, Mother Root?!) or that the fridge at your in-laws’ is well-stocked with non-alcoholic options.
Who said being sober had to be dull? Certainly not me! I don’t believe that being booze-free should stop drinks being tasty. And I know that having a flavoursome non-alcoholic glass of deliciousness can really bring the joy to an evening.
Of course you’ve got the usual suspects that are pumped with caffeine and sugar (or artificial sweeteners). But for a more refreshing option instead, why not try adding your favourite cordial to some sparkling water over ice with a joyful garnish - I love Urban Cordial’s range of low sugar cordials made from surplus British fruit.
And I’d be daft not to tell you about the delicious non-alcoholic cocktail recipes I’ve created with some of my industry friends using Mother Root. Our simplest serve is the Switchel and Soda - simply add sparkling water to the scrumptious Mother Root Ginger Switchel in a glass full of ice, garnish with a festive clementine slice for a revitalising and decadent beverage! A drink that tastes good and is actually good for you?! Gone are the super-saccharine mocktails. Some non-alcoholic cocktail ideas for you this way.
Kiss goodbye to those lingering hangovers!
Speaking of which...
I mean, I’m not encouraging you to be all smug when everyone else is feeling rotten, but...
There’s nothing more satisfying than waking up on Christmas morning or New Year’s Day and realising that you’ve not got a pounding head, fuzzy tongue or aching body! And boy, oh boy does it feel gooooood.
So I would urge you to make the most of that. Get up, tell Alexa to play some tunes and have a boogie (try this song!). Or alternately, pop on your trainers and go for a jog or a walk. However you want to do it, moving is a great way of rejuvenating your body and waking it up and getting your digestive system going.
When you’re the only one not drinking at a social gathering, it can sometimes feel exhausting so take a buddy with you! Strength in numbers is definitely a thing. Having a booze-free pal by your side at any festive party will ease the stress and you’ll lean on each other for fun!
You can still bring the fun when you’re not getting tipsy! Dress up in nice, glitzy outfits (loving this dress by Mary). Do something cool and different with your hair. Slap on a bit of that new lipstick. You won’t have that beer bravado, so take a bit of time to glam up during the holiday period. As tempting as it might be to stay in your loungewear, if you look and feel amazing, you’re likely to find it easier to get into the festive mood.
I also love the idea of designating myself the photographer at parties, even if it’s on my phone. It gives me a reason to stay sober and have focus, and it can also be so much fun capturing people having a whale of a time!
Another benefit of not spending the entire festive season fluctuating between overindulging and in a hungover state is that you can actually enjoy the stuff you’ve often missed out on in the past. That might look like a remake of Bake-Off and all-singing all-dancing gingerbread houses or it might be crafting some natty homemade Christmas decorations with your nieces and nephews.
Allowing yourself to be creative is such a great way of being mindful and staying present. Try these origami stars, or these 3D paper Christmas trees, or have a go at baking these delicious gingerbread stars (which would go down very well served with our cheeky Mother Root ginger non-alcoholic aperitif...)
Finally, this is just a little reminder to you to remember what this season is all about! It’s a holiday for many of us, and an opportunity for spending quality time with our family and friends. It’s about making memories, not about the booze!
And when you’ve got a glass of refreshing non-alcoholic aperitif Mother Root’s Ginger Switchel in one hand and a mince pie in the other, you’ll forget that you’re not drinking like everyone else, and instead be enjoying the moment and cherishing the happy times!
If you’re not following Mother Root already, head this way to join our community where I share tips for rituals and ways you can #enjoylifewell. Enjoy today, feel great tomorrow!
And you can buy some revitalising bottles of Mother Root here.